Table of Contents
- Updates
- Introduction
- I. The Final Problem
- II. The Final Answer
Date | Update Description |
7 Nov | added Inequality Leads to Societal Dysfunction |
15 Dec | added link to new post: How might an RBE playout, if it ever did? |
12 Dec | added link to new post: Capitalism and Resource Based Economies Q&A from Facebook (Dec 2020) |
22 Nov | added a new section – The AI and Automation Apocalypse |
I have spent over a decade reading, writing, thinking, and researching why our world is sooooo messed up and what we can do to try it fix it. I have studied such topics as:
- America: the Constitution, Revolutionary War history, our Founding Fathers
- Religion: Christian theology and history, religious history, Pagan theology, religious history, divine feminine theology and symbolism, philosophy, mystery cults and mythological typologies
- Sexuality: sexuality, monogamy, polygamy, homosexuality, prostitution, polyamory, LGBT issues, sexual identities
- Sciences: evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, linguistics
- Technology: advancing technology, sustainable technology, sustainable energy
- Constitutional Law: First Amendment issues, Second Amendment issues, Electoral College, slavery,
- General Politics: poverty, minimum wage, electoral reform, problems with the 2 party system, money in politics
… and so much more. You can see this in much of my blog posts and pages.
As a part of this process I have come up with ideas that others have as well:
- International Fixed Calendar
- converting to the 24 hour time and the metric system; having a world standard decimal time
- religious humanism, evolutionary creationism,
- progressive taxation, public funding of elections
… and many other things in my education and journey.
I. The Final Problem
A. Introduction
However, the most important conclusion I have come to in the last few years is that our global economic system is the prime culprit of all of the problems that humanity faces today, although I could not wrap my head around the totality of the idea or the magnitude of it.
I hope that in this major section I will be able to help you to begin to understand the very rotten philosophical core of monetary systems – Profit is more important than Humanity or the Environment. In the rest of this section I will list a few of the facts that has led me to this conclusion so you can start to understand this for yourself.
B. Tension and the Harms of Methods of Exchange (MoE)
Note: This section was deleted and will no longer be updated, because you can find the new rewrite of this section in this page: Tension and Methods of Exchange.
C. The Harms of Inequality

Feeling Isolated and alone? You might be suffering from Capitalism!!!
Symptoms may include: homelessness, unemployment, poverty, hunger, feelings of powerlessness, fear, apathy, boredom, cultural decay loss of identity, extreme self-consciousness, loss of free speech, incarceration, suicidal or revolutionary thoughts, death
A feature of methods of exchange is inequality. With any level of inequality there are health and social issues due to biopsychosocial issues. Read the 2 required reading books The Spirit Level and The Inner Level for a very complete explanation and discussion of this.
You will also find that this is due to Humanity’s powerful ability to detect class differences, especially with our country having such massive disparities that we all suffer from brain damage of different sorts depending on our relative socioeconomic class levels:
“One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient. In fact, a man convinced of his virtue even in the midst of his vice is the worst kind of man.”
Charles M. Blow
Affluent – Those who are affluent are afflicted with a level of sociopathy (even psychopathy in some cases) towards others: not caring about the welfare of others, completely disconnected from others’ living reality, living in their own luxury drenched world, and not really, really being capable of even considering making any real sacrifices to stop the suffering of others which is completely in their power. The most kind and compassionate thing we can do for the affluent is the relieve of their wealth and influence so they can reclaim their humanity.
- How Wealth Reduces Compassion (Scientific American (April 2012)
- Capitalism Elevates Sociopathy (Vimeo)
- World’s eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50% (The Guardian, Jan 2017)
- Billionaires Made So Much Money Last Year They Could End Extreme Poverty Seven Times (Jan 2018)
Middle Class – The middle class gets it from both sides. They are keenly aware of the affluent classes who have way too much. While they yearn for more and therefore feel insecure and desperate for change, they also suffer from knowing there are those with too little at the bottom which makes them feel guilty and wishing they could do something, but in doing so in some significant way may cast themselves down into poverty too.
Impoverished – The impoverished suffer from not only physically from being potentially housing insecure, food insecure, and lacking medical care, internet, transportation, and other things which cost money, but they also suffer additional deep psychological harm due to class differences to which they are acutely aware which can result in epigenetic changes in our children. Poverty is devastating to children and to families and to our social fabric. This effects all of us, even the rich.
I have a huge collection of links on poverty and its effects. Please check it out for more information on poverty in the United States:
Transforming the World Conversations (Poverty) Notes and Links (12 Oct 2018)
C. Profit Over Societal Progress and Advancement
1. Features of Capitalism
Here is a small list for you to consider. These are the features of Capitalism throughout the world and many of these issues are inherent to our monetary creation process. See my post Money Creation Process and the Federal Reserve for more information on this topic specifically. Please keep in mind that these are all features of the system and NOT bugs:
- boom and bust cycles
- recession and inflation
- greed, corruption, and exploitation
- planned obsolescence and waste
- hoarding
- crime and violence
- inequality, poverty, bankruptcies, homelessness
- systemic ‘isms (racism, sexism, nationalism, patriotism, etc)
- pollution and destruction of the global ecology
- war and conflict
This is a great list, right?
Below, I will give you a small set of examples to show my point.
2. Poverty and Homelessness

We live in a country where we have:
- the second highest Childhood Poverty Rate in the first world (22%)
- over 38 million living in poverty (14%)
- over 600,000 homeless people
and yet we are:
- are the richest country in the world with 40% of global wealth
- throw away enough food (40%) to feed the world’s starving population
- have enough empty housing for 31 times our homeless population, half of which are investment properties or Air BnB properties.
…which shows, in short, that we have enough resources, so homelessness and poverty should not be a thing in America. Our values are just really messed up which is created by the requirements of monetary systems.
Can you name any country which has eliminated poverty? No, you cannot, because no countries have eliminated poverty. Where is the country with the lowest poverty in the world? It is in one of the Nordic countries and their poverty rate is about 3%. Even with as great as they are, even they cannot end poverty. Any socioeconomic system which has any non-zero level of poverty is a complete and absolute failure and that is what we are faced with today – a complete and absolute failure.
3. Never Enough Money for the People or the Environment, but Plenty for War and the 1%
a. Socialism and Handouts for the Rich and Corporations
You know, we live in a country where if you want to go bomb somebody, there’s remarkably little discussion about how much it might cost, even though the costs almost inevitably end up being orders of magnitude larger than anybody projected at the outcome. But when you have a discussion about whether or not we can assist people who are suffering, then suddenly we come very, you know, cost-conscious.
Andrew J. Bacevich (Professor of History and International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Jun 2014 on Bill Moyers)
When Congress wants to pass bills to benefit the rich and the corporations such as:
- the business of war (murdering people of color globally and ransacking their sovereign resources) which is highly profitable especially for the 4 Deadly Industries (banks, military industrial complex, fossil fuel industry, and the pharmaceutical industry)
- a plethora of tax breaks and grants for the rich and corporations
- bank bailouts or auto industry bailouts
… there are never questions about how we will fund it. They pass the bill and the money is magically there. Both parties (Republicans and Democrats – the 1% parties) are guilty and complicit in this.
Why are these never considered Entitlements, Handouts, or Socialism?
Why is intergenerational wealth never considered a handout?
b. Rugged Individualism for the Peasant Class
However, let’s consider that if we want to do something that is good for the people or the environment such as:
- install or support sustainable energy
- environmental conservation or preservation
- build or replace infrastructure
- create social programs to help people (the 99%) such as:
- universal healthcare
- universal education
- minimum wage increases
- large tax credits or grants for sustainable energy
- Universal Basic Income
- etc..
… that the first question is always: How do we afford it? How are ya gonna pay for it? … and it doesn’t get done, because we get mired down in that errant conversation. The 99% is always stuck with rugged individualism and survival while the rich and corporations are drenched in multi-billion dollar socialism. The over $20 trillion dollar corporate payout without enacting universal healthcare during CoVID19 shows this psychopathic hypocrisy plain and clear.
When attempting projects that really matter to Humanity and our survival there is ‘never enough money‘ to make this happen because there is very little money to be made in making the world a better place for the 99% which is a large problem with monetary systems.
If we just said forget the money, then the projects (education, healthcare, housing, sustainable energy, housing) would get done just like it is for war and corporate handouts, because they were necessary and we have the knowledge, the technology and the resources to get it ALL done. There is just not enough profit to be made for corporations and the 1% in doing it. This the very rotten philosophical core of monetary systems – profit is more important than Humanity or the Environment, for those are truly expendable, negative externalities, when it comes to corporate profit.
The “Pay For It” Scam (Carlos Maza, Nov 2022)
4. Corporate Destruction of Competing Technologies
We live in a country where:
- the works of the brilliant Nicola Tesla are buried or exploited while he died penniless and alone
- the Hemp Car (made of a hemp biopcomposite and powered by a hemp based biofuel) which was created by Henry Ford was buried by the oil companies and other industries
- sustainable energy technologies are railed against and thwarted politically
- other patents and ideas are purchased and buried, or their companies destroyed so that no one can use those technologies
… because such technological inventions and advancements would threaten the profits of big businesses, even though such things would greatly increase the quality of life of of everyone world wide. Amazon creating their own line competing products for products popular on their service is another great example of this. How many business have closed because of this predatory practice?
Profit before the environment or the people. Profit no matter what the cost. That is the motto for capitalism and monetary systems. There are so many more examples of abuses caused by Capitalism, but that is enough for now to give you a picture.
5. Capitalism’s Systemic Corporate Corruption
Now, with this discussion I am going to assume a few things just to give Capitalism’s advocates the benefit of the doubt. Let’s assume that everything in my posts regarding the Two Party System, Electoral Reform, and the 28th and 29th Amendments are enacted, and also that laws are passed so that:
- the Maximum Income Disparity is set from the horrific 347 times which we have now down to 10 times like Japan
- progressive taxation is implemented such that the Marginal Tax Rate is set to 100%.
- Hell, lets even throw in Universal Basic Income just to really make this nation great for the first time.
This all is an amazing situation, I mean like a really dreamlike situation for the people as far as capitalism in America is concerned.
Even with all of that being assumed, it honestly does not matter what reforms we enact, they will always only be temporary. Republicans, Democrats, Corporations, and the Rich will always work towards undermining and destroying whatever reforms are enacted because they worship greed, power, and the cancer of the “Free” Market which is anything but free.
The list of corporate corruption is systemic and will always fester itself back in. It will never be a matter of “if” it does. It is a matter of “when“. All of the reforms in the world can and will be undone as we all very well know. It is a matter of time and then we will repeat the cycle just like we did with the Great Depression.
Some examples to give you an idea of the inevitability of the undoing of any progress made:
- The Budget of NASA (Wikipedia) was at its peak 4.4% of GDP in 1968 during the height of the space war with Russia and has year after year been gutted down to 0.48% GDP now with all of the attendant technological and inspirational losses. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a great presentation on this.
- In 1973 Nixon allowed the Health Care industry to be for profit which has created the healthcare crisis we are facing now. Prior to that it was mostly a non-profit industry.
- Ronald Reagan overturned the Fairness in Reporting Act which enforced fair and balanced news reporting and has allowed the horrors of Fox News to become a thing.
- The Glass-Steagal Act, which was passed following the Great Depression to prevent that horror from ever happening again – well that was undone 60 years later due bank lobbying during the Clinton administration, and the result of that was the 2008 Market Crash.
- There is also the fact that the CDC has been prevented from researching gun violence for over a decade due to powerful lobbying by the NRA.
- The Trump administration undoing many of the national parks and environmental protections which were established in the 1970’s.
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau thingy which was set up by Elizabeth Warren a few years ago was recently gutted or dismantled by the Trump administration
- and there are so very many more examples of this. Just pick an administration and you will find examples of this. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of serving profit.
Even with the Max Income Disparity Ratio @ 10 and Progressive Taxation implemented with Marginal Rate set at an amazing 99% the corporations and the rich will always have more money than the rest of us and will always be able to afford, in some capacity, to hire people:
- to lobby and apply pressure to our representatives, in whatever form they can manage
- to write bills that favor their interests (while exploiting the people and the environment) and to hand it over their bought and paid for politicians.
- to write bills that weaken or eventually eliminate the laws that we set at the beginning of this section to limit their ability to leverage undue influence in government.
We, the impoverished and the middle class, do not have the time or money to do in kind because we have to get the bills paid so our families keep our healthcare and so they do not end up homeless.
It is not a matter of if the rich and corporations will get their way, it is just a matter of when. So, eventually Republicans, Democrats, Corporations, and the Oligarchs will win again and get what they want while the rest of us are paying for it. It is just a matter of time. To think otherwise is naïve and ignores the entirety of US political and socioeconomic history.
6. Millions Die Each Year Due to the System
i. Completely Preventable Deaths
20 million people die each year due to the structural violence inherent in Capitalism. Every… single… case of this suffering and death is completely preventable and unnecessary because we have the knowledge, the technology, and the resources. Then why do we allow this to even happen when it doesn’t have to?

ii. Deaths as Negative Externalities from Business
8.7 million people die each year due to pollution (The Guardian, Feb 2021)
iii. Wars and Military Actions
Let’s also thing of all of the deaths from wars and military actions across the world, especially from the United States.
iv. Suicides and Depression
How about all of the lives lost due to depression and suicide due to the horrible separation and poverty and general economic suffering?
D. Hoarding and Wasteful Production
1. Wasteful Production and Planned Obsolescence
Products are created with the minimum quality in order to be salable and so that the company can make money from it which gets us various qualities of products from absolutely crappy (and super cheap) all the way up to amazing (and completely unaffordable).
As a byproduct of that, the products are also designed to only last a certain amount of time so that we have to buy another one over and over again in order to create a steady flow of corporate income. How wasteful is that? Here is a great video on Planned Obsolescence (Some More News, Sep 2023).
Why aren’t products created to last for more than a single person’s lifetime or to last as long as feasibly possible? Because the companies would lose a lot of money either through having an item so expensive no one would be able to buy it or because such an item would NOT generate a constant income stream because their products are not constantly breaking and needing to be replaced.
Then, let us also consider how many different competing brands there are with the same levels of quality (or lack thereof) and many are sitting in the many stores who are competing your business. There is soooo very much waste!
Here are some great examples of that capitalistic waste:
- Amazon is destroying millions of unsold goods, from smart TVs to laptops (Fast Company, Jul 2021)
- Burberry burns bags, clothes and perfume worth millions (BBC, Jul 2018)
- A mountain of unsold clothing (39,000 tons) from fast-fashion retailers is piling up in the Chilean desert (Insider, Nov 2021)
- Decolonising Fashion: How An Influx Of ‘Dead White Man’s Clothes’ Is Affecting Ghana (Eco Age, Apr 2020)
2. Rarely Used Products
Ever notice how we buy things that we may only use a few times a year such as tools, or a boat, or skis? Think of how much waste there is with that and with every… single… household having these just sitting there for 90% of the year – unused – all of that wasted material and production?
How about cars. Most cars sit around for 90% of the day doing nothing and yet most people have them and most of their useful lifespan is completely wasted. Yes, there are some people that use their vehicles for hours and hours every day while driving many, many miles each year. They are not who we are talking about, but even for some of them we are too. Why does everyone need one if they rarely or do not use them all of the time during most of its useful lifespan?
And, are those personal vehicles needed because of an organic and inefficient urban design that did not incorporate mass transportation from the very beginning? This is a design problem. This is a systems problem. We can design cities to completely prevent this waste of resources and time especially when looking at transportation. This is a powerful place we can make a difference. This is just the beginning of the systems and waste based analysis.
3. Hoarding
Ever notice how people hoard stuff in their basements in attics (beyond the sentimental stuff) thinking that someday I may need this. I know I do. I have tools, equipment, signs, and other stuff that I may use once a year or once every few years.
Do you think that people who are considered to have a mental disorder of hoarding is just a personal problem. It is really a direct reflection of how broken our system. They fear not having something when needed that they keep everything as a result. It doesn’t have to be this way. Things can be better if we want it to be.
E. The AI and Automation Apocalypse
1. It is Inevitable
With capitalism and its drive to seek higher profits regardless of the cost to Humanity there is this perpetual and inevitable drive to remove people from the work force to cut costs and to increase efficiency in order to make more profit. This has been the mode of operation of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution since its inception. However, because of the issues of monetary systems and capitalism which requires people to work in order to have healthcare, housing, food or anything else required for survival, this inevitable drumbeat of reducing human labor in the workforce is a sentence for global impoverishment, suffering, or even death to many, many people.
CoVID Update: Especially, now with the CoVID19 pandemic and the limitations of having a human workforce becoming financially apparent there will be a massive drive for more automation so that businesses will not be slowed down by pandemics. Not only will this directly result in fewer long term jobs, but because the pandemic caused so many businesses to close down this means there will be even fewer jobs available when recovery starts.
2. Some Studies
- The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? (Oxford Martin School University of Oxford, Sep 2013) – “According to their estimates, about 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk.”
- Automation exacts a toll in inequality (Financial Times, Jan 2022)
3. Humans Need Not Apply (video)
Check out this short video (~15 minutes) titled Humans Need Not Apply by CGP Grey which covers the upcoming AI and Automation apocalypse and how it will affect so very many people:
If you want an even deeper dive into the the staggering statistics of job loss from automation then go ahead and read Andrew Yang’s book which is listed below.
4. The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time (video)
Watch this short (11+ min) video titled The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different this Time (Kurzgesagt):
5. The War Against Normal People (book)
Also, read the first 75% (before his policies) of Andrew Yang’s book The War on Normal People which lists in excruciating detail the upcoming mass of losses due to the AI and Automation apocalypse. There is A LOT of great stats in there. I am not a Yang fan, but this book is powerful.
6. It Does NOT Have to be This Way
But this is not the way it should be.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

How it should be: Yay! A robot took over my job! I am free to actually enjoy life!
II. The Final Answer
A. Introduction
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We cannot ever expect to solve the issues that are visceral and inherent to the archaic Capitalist system using Capitalism. Why should we work so hard to control a system whose rules are predetermined to have negative and deadly outcomes when there is another far superior option available?
We change our technology when it becomes outmoded and so we should also change our social and economic systems when they have far outlived their usefulness. It is far beyond time, especially with almost 30 million people dying each year due to the structural violence inherent in Capitalism. Can we honestly afford that price in the blood and suffering of the innocent in order to maintain the Cancer of Capitalism? Is keeping this broken system that important? Are we so blindly brainwashed, brain damaged, and enslaved that we cannot see beyond the veil drenched with the blood of the innocent?
B. The Domestication of the Velociraptor (Commentary on Capitalism)
Your tribe has the option of continuing to unsuccessfully domesticate wild velociraptors or to try to domesticate those wolves that have been coming close to your tribal lands, eating from your garbage, and on occasion eating from your hands.
For thousands of years your tribe has been unsuccessfully trying to domesticate wild velociraptors. You capture them, cage them, and train them up. They act right for a little while, or at least you think they do, but you still see them look at you and your family like they are its next lunch. For a while they even perform as you would like: guarding your homes and flocks, allowing you to pet them, playing with your children, pulling your plows.
Eventually, it acts out tearing off you arm or clawing you. Your people capture and then retrain it. Then it eats your dog. You repeat the retraining process. Then it escapes eats most of the family next door. With a new color of harness you retrain it again with tremendous cries of support and religious services dedicated to it and its amazing potential, because this is how we have lived for thousands of years and this is what is right. You even set the raptors upon the wolves who come near and eat from your hand.
Now the raptor is roaming throughout the streets of your tribe eating whoever and whatever it wishes. Your people live in fear while espousing the wonderful traits of velociraptors: strong legs, powerful jaws, sharp claws, great hunter… even while its fangs are disgorging blood from your spouse’s neck. Your tribal members cry out “Velociraptors are amazing! In fact they already are domesticated, but maybe we need a new harness to make sure this time.”.
A tribal member cries out “Look at those tribes over there. They have wolves. They are being successfully domesticated.” Your tribe angrily rages “We already have the superior domesticated velociraptors which eats wolves! How could you even suggest? Those tribes are the enemy. They use… wolves. You are a traitor. You are not a member of our tribe.” The member points to the trail of blood left by your spouse’s lifeless body as it was dragged out by the velociraptor. You say ‘It is my spouse’s fault for not petting the raptor properly.” as you think ‘The raptor just needs a new harness of a different color.’
You go to the mass grave where your spouse and many of your neighbors are buried as the “domesticated” raptor fed upon their unsuspecting bodies as it was meant to do. Excitedly you say. ‘Yes, a harness of a different color is the answer!”
C. People Don’t Actually Want Money
People don’t actually want money. They want what money can provide. They want products and they want services – they want housing, food, clothing, internet, transportation. Money is the middleman which stands between people and getting what they want. We need to remove the disease of the middleman and its tensions so people can live free.
D. Resource Based Economy (RBE)
1. Introduction
It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting our high technology from WEAPONRY to LIVINGRY.
Buckminster Fuller
We need to evolve beyond Capitalism (and monetary systems in general) to use the far superior system which I shall talk about below which prevents all of the issues of Capitalism (and methods of exchange) while utilizing the benefits of technological advancements. The following two movements which have come into my research can explain and define the problem and the solution very well, as well as provide examples much better than I can. My mind is blown!
Both movements state that Capitalism, which is based on scarcity and money, causes pretty much all of our global problems and their answer to this is a Resource Based Economy (RBE).
TVP: Jacque Fresco has been lecturing about societal issues and the many problems with our economic system for over 80 years. As an inventor and an all around brilliant man, he has also been involved with designing the future world based on a Resource Based Economy. The manifestation of his works is what is called The Venus Project (TVP). I have even found out that in 2016 Jacque was given an award for City Design and Community from the NOVUS summit in conjunction with the United Nations division UN DESA. United Nations Award Given to Jacque Fresco for City Design/Community (Jul 2016)
I have known about The Venus Project for a few years now (by their pretty pictures only), but have not delved into it at all until the last few months. Once I started reading into it I read 3 of his books and the TVP website, and have also started to volunteer for them.
TZM: Peter Joseph started The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) in 2007, which I have heard of over the last few years, but did not really know anything about it until the last few months while educating myself on The Venus Project. During the process of reading about The Venus Project I found out that there was a powerful relationship between these two movements: they both talk about and advocate the same things – Capitalism is the problem and a Resource Based Economy is the answer.
As a matter of fact, this last week I have been on vacation and have watched all 3 TZM documentaries and have read his new book, ‘The New Human Rights Movement‘, and that book gave me the clear answer as to why Capitalism and money is the problem and why a Resource Based Economy is the answer. Peter Joseph’s book does that all with studies, facts, experts, end notes, glossary, and so on. Hell, the book is really worth it just for the appendix on Sustainable Energy facts. Please, seriously, read The New Human Rights Movement by Peter Joseph. This is the first book I bought for my dad who is a moderate conservative and a banker and that is how important I think this book is, although I cannot imagine he has read it yet.
Here is a talk by Peter Joseph in Nov 2017 covering his book (YouTube):
2. What is a Resource Based Economy (RBE)
I will go over this in short and leave the research process outlined in the next section to do the heavy lifting for your education.
“To each according to what we can equitably provide“
The term and concept of a Resource Based Economy (RBE) was coined in 1969 by Jacque Fresco, the founder of the Venus Project (?his Looking Forward book?) .
A Resource Based Economy (RBE) is defined as: a global socioeconomic system that will utilize existing resources (natural and technological) to provide an equitable method of distribution of goods and services in the most humane and efficient manner for the entire population without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of symbolic exchange.
Here is a short video which introduces RBE from The Venus Project: Introduction to a Resource Based Economy.
Here are some defining qualities of a RBE:
- Global Intelligent Management of Resources
- claim all of the Earth’s resources as common heritage to ALL of humanity, so all have access to them
- global resources survey (natural resources, manufacturing, farming, human skills, etc)
- global resource needs survey
- global intelligent management of resources, production, and distribution
- global sensor network
- localize production if possible (especially for food) to reduce waste in materials and energy for transportation
- Maximize Technological Progress, Efficiencies, and Advancements
- maximize the benefits of technological advances such as automation, AI, robotics, 3D printing, etc… to free people to pursue things that make them happy and that benefit all of humanity
- maximize environmental sustainability, remediation, and preservation in all projects
- everything should be able to be completely recycled or it should not be made
- most of our problems are technical in nature; through the use of science and the scientific method we can solve these issues (and not through politicians which will basically go away)
- Intelligent Urban Design
- plan cities intelligently from the ground up to conform to the environment and for a certain population capacity
- maximize use of sustainable energy production
- maximize use of mass transportation
- resource sharing centers (such as libraries) for as many things as possible to reduce waste and redundancy
- Ensure All People Have Access to Everything They Need to Maximize Their Potential
- universal access to education, healthcare, food, technology, clothing, housing, transportation, internet, etc…
- equalize distribution and access to goods and services; some private property + extensive use of shared resource access
- full open access to knowledge, research, studies, designs, plans, etc…
The table below shows some of what we exchange during the transition from the horrors of monetary systems to the freedom found within a Resource Based Economy: column one of the table shows traits from monetary systems and column two shows how it will change within a Resource Based Economy:
Traits from Monetary Systems | Transition to a Resource Based Economy |
individual property and money | universal access to resources and services |
globalized distributed production process | more localized production |
manual labor | automation and efficiency |
proprietary and restricted access | open source |
disconnected devices and data | Global Digital Feedback System (IoT) |
individual government and politicians | technological/science based management |
A core requirement for all of this will be a completely new urban design. Without a complete change in how we live each day things will not change. We cannot build the radical new world of tomorrow on top of the regressive and inefficient urban designs of the world of yesterday. We will need to completely new cities which manifest our new ideals in order act as the genesis to allow this happen.
This all sounds great and it should, because this is how humanity should organize itself in order to bring world peace and to maximize the potential of ALL people.
We can do this NOW.
We have the knowledge.
We have the resources.
We have the technology.
But we do NOT have enough money to make this happen. Money creates the problem through artificial scarcity, competition, and exploitation and prevents humanity from achieving peace and real progress. Plus, we also have to battle the fact that doing things are that good for the people and good for the environment do not result in high profit margins.
Here is a quick video (~ 4 minutes long) from The Venus Project which gives you an Introduction to a Resource Based Economy:
Here is a 41 minute The Venus Project – Jacque Fresco’s Legacy to Earth (Ecopreneur Media, Nov 2019):
Here is a ~1 hour 10 minute video on Resource Based Economies (Nov 2019):
Here is a longer video about RBE from TROM (Be prepared for a Scottish accent! )
3. Humanity’s Lost Progress and Prodigies – A Selfish Reason to Support a Resource Based Economy
Here is an amazing video A Selfish Argument for Making the World a Better Place – Egoistic Altruism (Kurzgesagt) which can provide you a selfish reason to support a Resource Based Economy. How much progress, innovation, and peace have we lost with each person’s suffering?
4. Learn More
1. The Suggested Research Process
For those who really want to research this, here is the process I recommend for delving into it:
- Passive Process: Start with the passive process through watching the documentaries because they are something you can just watch and absorb, and will introduce you to the concepts with amazing visuals.
- Active Process: Then you can delve into a more active process through reading.
- Start with The Venus Project first which has amazing visuals for a future within a Resources Based Economy.
- Then delve into The Zeitgeist Movement because they powerfully set the academic and intellectual foundations for a Resource Based Economy through amazing levels of data and statistics.
Honestly, if you have to choose only one thing to do, then please read ‘The New Human Rights Movement‘. It will radically change the way you think about things. It has for me. Then, please share this post and share the book. Even if you think that this will not come to pass, everyone needs to know that there are other possibilities. The more that people are pissed off, the more change is possible. People cannot be pissed nor advocate for a change if they do not know about it. Share it. Educate the world.
- The Venus Project
- Documentaries – Here is a YouTube playlist I put together for these: TVP Documentaries.
- Designing the Future (2006)
- Paradise or Oblivion (2012)
- The Choice is Ours (2016)
- Audio
- Books and Reading
- The Best Money Can’t Buy (7th edition, Jan 2015) This is the largest and most in-depth of the three.
- The Future and Beyond (free online)
- Designing the Future (2007) (free online)
- The Venus Project Complete Set – Buy The Venus Project Complete Set which contains:
- Book
- The Best That Money Can’t Buy
- DVD’s and Audio
- Jacque Fresco’s Lecture Series 2010-2011 (16 DVD’s)
- Classic Archives of Jacque Fresco’s lectures from 1974-1980 (20 audio CD’s)
- The Venus Project Tour (4 DVD set)
- Future By Design (2 DVD)
- Welcome to the Future (1 DVD), Cities in the Sea (1 DVD), Self-Erecting Structures (1 DVD)
- Documentaries: Paradise or Oblivion (1 DVD) and The Choice is Ours (1 DVD)
- Book
- Documentaries – Here is a YouTube playlist I put together for these: TVP Documentaries.
- The Zeitgeist Movement
- Documentaries: Here is a YouTube playlist I put together for these: TZM Documentaries.
- Zeitgeist, The Movie (2007) (start at Part 3 – Money – which is at about the 1 hr and 16 min mark)
- Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
- Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
- InterReflections Official Site (Oct 2020)
- Books
- The Zeitgeist Movement Defined (Feb 2014) This will give you some great background and will make reading the next book easier.
- The New Human Rights Movement (Mar 2017) This is a very dense book so prepare yourself.
- Documentaries: Here is a YouTube playlist I put together for these: TZM Documentaries.
If you have any questions about any of this then please let me know. I am here to help.
2. Hungry for More
Their social networking sites and their many related websites and resources are other ways to expand your knowledge if you are hungry for more:
- My Policy Site
- My Posts
- How will a RBE Work? What will it look like?
- Productivity and Motivation in a Resource Based Economy?
- Human Nature, Competition, Employment, and Housing within a Resource Based Economy
- Benefits of a Resource Based Economy for Industries and Businesses
- Some Technical Steps Towards Implementing a Global Resource Based Economy
- Videos
- RBE Concepts on YouTube
- What is the Venus Project?
- LTI – has a bunch of videos from both The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement
- Others
The Venus Project
- Core
- Documentaries:
- The Choice is Ours (2016)
- Paradise or Oblivion (2012)
- Designing the Future (2006)
- YouTube Channels
- Other Social Media
- Books and other Media
- The Best that Money Can’t Buy (book)
- The Complete Venus Project Library Set (video, audio, books)
The Zeitgeist Movement
- Core
- Documentaries
- Zeitgeist, The Movie (2007)
- Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
- Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
- Interreflections (6 Oct 2020)
- Other Social Media
- Books
- The Zeitgeist Movement Defined (Feb 2014)
- The New Human Rights Movement (Mar 2017)
4 thoughts on “The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote”